This weekend really was fabulous. What made it more special was that when we were in high school we talked about a fabulous, exotic adventure to NYC with just the three of us. Life kind of got in the way and that trip never did happen. Fast forward 15 years and there we were together for the weekend.
Of course there are several things that happened that could be a blog post on their own. Oh, the difficulty of editing. I suppose I'll leave it up to the pictures to show our adventure.
Although, there wasn't a camera available to catch my crash landing at Urban Outfitters in D.C. Chinatown while I waited to catch my bus. I decided to lug my suitcase, over-stuffed purse, and freshly purchased Chipotle up the stairs to check out the sale racks. And unfortunately I have a habit of tripping over my feet. It happens ALL the time. On this occasion the loud laughter of an employee brought my blunder to the attention of the entire store. Need I say more?
I'll also leave the fabulous food we ate for another time. The Afghan food we ate in the East Village is definitely worthy of a post of its own.
In the mean time - here are some trip highlights in pics:
Leslie and Labetta waiting for the Apples in Stereo show to start. By the way, they are much better on my iPod than live. The pic also doesn't capture how exhausted Labetta was. She was falling asleep standing from being up all day after taking a red-eye. We were all too tired to go 80's dancing afterword like we had planned. At least that's my excuse. 11pm is just too late for us old farts ;)
Us at Long Beach. Cute pic, except for the blueberry in my teeth.
Oh...and another thing - NYC really is a different place without kids. I do love that city, even if it has lost some of it's mystique.
You and your sisters are so cute! What a fun trip. Glad you got away for a little bit! We all need to recharge our batteries from time to time!