Friday, June 18, 2010

Lucky #7, a summer night, and one flooded basement...30 years later

Today I am 30. I don't know a whole lot about my birth. I am told, my father slept through my mother's early contractions as Short baby #7 announced she was ready to greet the world. Or maybe that was one of my siblings. There were EIGHT of us, so I suppose I can forgive my mom for mixing things up a bit.

How does a flooded basement have anything to do with my birth? As child seven of eight birth details are pretty few and far between. The only one I remember, other than a dad who may or may not have been sleeping instead of timing minutes between contractions, is that was the night our basement in Idaho flooded. Of course it had to happen right when a new baby was about to arrive. Isn't that just how it always is?

This is a milestone I've heard many people cringe to reach. Myself? If today is any indication I'm welcoming the big 3-0 with open arms. It began yesterday with GF cookies from a friend (we WILL run those off Saturday!!), breakfast in bed, followed by a mani-pedi date with another friend. Not to mention mountains of messages wishing me a happy birthday.

And that was just this morning. We are set to eat at Sweetwater Tavern, mostly because of the Warm Flourless Chocolate Waffle (flourless, GLUTEN FREE HEAVEN!!!), then off to an undisclosed event with just me and the hubby. I'm surprised I haven't figured it out yet, which only means I'm that much more excited to find out what he has planned. I promise details will follow.

In the mean time, enjoy the pics.

Me with my sister Stacy the day I came home from the hospital.

Birthday #2. Yes, I was at one time a blonde.

...age 30. Life's only begun.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tera!! Cute blog!

  2. The boys so wanted to go to your birthday party. It's hard to grasp that Virginia is just too far to travel for a couple hour party.

  3. Happy Birthday! I was ALL excited to go and then your DH changed the date of the festivities on he's okay :) I'll be closer to you guys soon enough again

  4. I was so sad you weren't able to make it. I suppose it would be difficult to compete with Stake Temple Night. Let's do lunch soon.
