Well, I shouldn't say "people". Girls, really. Of all ages. Because, although the "girls" in question here might be in the over 30 demographic, the obsession and ensuing behavior qualifies them as girls.
Don't think I sit so high on my horse as to exclude myself from the obsession. My poor family lost their wife/mom while I devoured the books. Twice. And read Midnight Sun as well as the outtakes on Stephenie Meyer's website. It's embarrassing to admit. I was a Twi-mom for a while. At least I didn't get into the way obsessed online community like some do. And I'm recovered.
For a glimpse into the poor husbands of a Twi-mom deal with, watch Shallow Day's highly entertaining video: "TWILIGHT (what have you done to my wife)".
A while back I came across a hilarious blog, Normal Mormon Husbands, that has several posts dedicated to Twilight - not to mention the fact that many of his posts reference Twilight in one way or another.
Much to his credit, the author has read every single Twilight book, as well as Midnight Sun. He hasn't just dismissed the phenomenon with a shrug and roll of the eyes. He earnestly addresses the issues surrounding this obsession with posts like "The Cold Truth About Edward", "Midnight Sun: Edward a Woman?", "Twilight for Dummies (& Guys) and the gem of the batch Edward CAN Fart! (...& more!)".
I guess people just crave an escape from the doldrums of life. Especially when you're changing diapers, wiping noses, and cleaning up after other people. All day. Everyday. And teenage girls are just a ball of hormones fantasizing of Mr. Perfect. So I suppose they are excused.
As for me, I have learned at least one lesson from my own Twilight obsession: escaping in a teen romance is only allowed if you're actually married to someone who resembles one of the dreamy characters in one way or another.
I loves me a brown boy. Go Team Jacob.
OK. . . I don't know what is worse this music video or Twilight! Painful flash backs when watching the music video. The truth hurts!
ReplyDeleteThe other brown boy,
Ott . . . AKA (Wonderful Husband)