Being a New Yorker, she is now determined to run the ING New York City Marathon. Cool, right? The problem is, something like 50k people are turned away. Every. Year. And it's not like this is a small race. There are about 40-50K people that actually run it.
It's the biggest marathon in the world, and if you aren't lucky enough to win the lottery (literally - it's a lottery to get in) you have to try again. Or run for charity. Which is what she's doing.
And here it is...I'm asking you to help my sister run the New York City Marathon.
Like many of you, we have had friends and family battle cancer. We've seen the awful impact it has not only on the patient, but also the families trying to help that patient survive.
Leslie is running for Team Continuum, a non-profit organization dedicated to taking care of anyone involved in fighting cancer. It provides assistance to patients and their families by filling the physical and emotional gaps of support so the patients can have the strength to focus on their treatment.
So, I'm asking you to give your support. Not only to my sister who deserves to run this race, but to the cancer patients and their families that need the support to fight for their lives.
Every little bit helps. Donate today!
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