I'm determined to do better because, really, who in real life can just keep buying and buying stuff. And that's all it is. Especially after I just parted with a load of crap. Anywho...I've really decided that there is something that I want for myself and my posterity.

Maybe if I save my pennies I'll be able to get one for next summer. That means no more clothes for Tera. I'll start living by the pioneer mantra: "Use it up, Wear it out, Make do or Do without. "
Wise words.
In that spirit...I've had an itch to make a few quilts for a while now - one for my bed, the other to be used as a throw in the family room. I have a bunch of fabric scraps, so I think I'm going to make a scrap quilt or two. In the style of these fabulous quilts.
Alas, quilting will just have to wait until after Christmas. When the girls' homemade gift is done (more on that later) and the short winter days keep me inside with nothing else to do.
Nothing to do. Right. A girl can wish.
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