I've decided Halloween is my favorite holiday. At least until Thanksgiving. You know, flavor of the week and all. But seriously. Halloween needs to come around more often. Except maybe without all the candy. But I suppose that would take the fun out of it.
I find myself getting far more excited for Halloween as an adult than I ever did as a kid. I actually feel a little guilty about it because I'm not exactly as excited for the kids as I am for Otterpop and myself. It all start a few years back when some friends of ours moved here and began an annual Halloween bash. Adults only. Each year the costumes get more and more extravagant. It's fabulous.
Alas, this year the party couldn't happen due to the craziness life threw at them, but we did go to another party where we could indulge in our Halloween Hysteria. And it was fabulous family fun. Good food. Fun games. Slightly insane hay ride. Trunk-or-Treating. Great fun for all.
And so we (okay, I ) saw the focus of Halloween shift back to the kids. Of course Papa Smurf and Smurfette were a hit. They were a little over dressed; the falsies - eye lashes, that is - were digging into my eyes; and our face paint rubbed off on everything. But none of that mattered because we had so much fun with our girls.
Trick-or-Treating with Otterpop's sister's family was even better. I've never seen these kids move so fast. It was hilarious. Oh so much fun. I loved every minute of it.
And now we have to wait a mere 363 days until it all happens again. I'd better start planning.
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