Monday, November 8, 2010

Exhaustion and A Bit of Bragging

Whew...It's been a crazy weekend. From the reemergence of Doris (she came back with a vengeance, mind you) to a trip to Oz, mass group couples therapy and a birthday party for my favorite just turned 4 little girl - we were all over the place. And of course my heart and mind was in New York with Lester while she ran the NYC marathon. In 4:07, mind you. She did awesome. I'm exhausted for her.

Although things have quieted down, I'm super, super, super excited. By the way, I recently realized how much I use the word "super" when I noticed Addie-Cakes says it about 9000 times a day, but I digress. Anyway - I'm very excited and I have to brag because of an email I got earlier today. From Ticketmaster. Well, it was a forwarded email from Ticketmaster. Not to be redeemed until June 22nd. In Baltimore. Guesses, anyone? I'll give you a hint:

That's right...I got tickets to the U2 concert in Baltimore. Well, technically Lester got them for us and Otterpop. It's just easier to say I got them.

Let me just tell you, Lester has gone to many-a U2 concerts. She's practically a pro U2 concert goer. Okay, I exaggerate. But she has gone to several and does have a friend who is. Practically a pro-U2 concert goer, I mean. I stole this picture off her FB page that she took in Istanbul. She's a professional photographer, which explains a lot but this just shows how close one can get with General Admission Tickets. Which is what we got.

So my calendar is marked. Wednesday, June 22, 2011 I will be with Otter and Lester in Baltimore. All day. Camping out just so we can get close enough to touch Bono. Yeah, it's happened to Lester so I'm going to fire her as my concert tour guide if she doesn't make it happen for us. Not really.

You are all officially on notice. Anything you might plan in June that could involve us will just have to be postponed to a later date. Or you'll just have to do without us. 'Cause we's gonna be at U2!


  1. How Exciting!!! That reminds me of the U2 sticker you had on Barbara.

  2. Ooohhh, I didn't tell you one of the best parts about the race (or maybe I did?)! At mile 26 when my legs were literally shaking and I felt like I was running in slow motion they started playing U2. U2 carried me the remaining .2m to the finish line. It couldn't have been a more perfect marathon ending for me!

  3. SO JEALOUS!!!! I love U2!! They are totally my generation!! I hope you have tons of fun. how did your sister's friend get her camera into the concert???? Did she have a pass as a media person? That is an awesome photo.

  4. Nell - I had almost forgotten about Barb. Good ole Barb. Nothing like a crappy college car.

    Lester - What a perfect way for you to finish your race

    Eva - I grew up on U2. It's part of my brother's legacy that he has left for me. Another of Lester's friends has some nosebleed tickets she's trying to sell if you're interested. I'm sure I could help you arrange it.
