Monday, December 6, 2010

Banishing the Slug

I've been a slug lately. Not last week, actually. Which is why the blog didn't get the blog updated until now. But for the past....hmmmm....I'm not sure how long (think many, many weeks) I've had a hard time getting motivated to do anything. The children were cared for. Kind-of. Nick Jr replaced mom. PJs were frequent all-day-attire. I cooked more often than not and the house was neglected until about 4pm. Both of which were part of the strategy. If you want to call it that.

I talked to Otterpop about it and this was a shocker to him. In other words, the strategy of hiding my sluggish behavior from him worked. Not that I was intentionally being duplicitous. It really was more like shame drove me to do it. That's fun to admit.

October was really hard. Which I expected and was prepared for. But November was too. So rather than working myself out of it, I embraced the life of a slug. The turning point for me was when I read CJane's blog post about her annual October depression. That kind of hit home.

It's not that anything was wrong. Or that I had a lot of pressure on me. It's kinda like "The Mean Reds" from the film Breakfast at Tiffany's. Only a little less bipolar. More than anything I think it was that I didn't have anything to do. Which made me miss working. Being forced out of the house early every morning with a purpose. It kind of made me want to put my resume out again. Which I know isn't the right answer right now. My babies need me.

Instead I made myself busy. Cooking Thanksgiving dinner will do that to you. And this week has been all sorts of busy. Sweet Cheeks had a birthday party for her friends Saturday and I've been assigned to help with our ward's Relief Society Christmas party. Then I'm working on a Christmas surprise for my family. I may have over done the busy thing, but it's what I needed.

And so things are better for now. Motivation is still work, but I have something to motivate me. Now if I could just get the motivation to train for the race. Lori - call me. I need your motivation.

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