Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Beast Rears Its Ugly Head

It's back. I've got the moderately insane urge to spend 5 months of Saturdays running progressively longer distances culminating in 26.2 miles of torture and the accompanying euphoria.

You heard me. I want to run another marathon. When I finished the Marine Corps Marathon last Fall I immediately said I would never do it again.
Marathons hurt. Bad. I think the fact that I ran it on a stress fracture had something to do with it. The funny thing is that it only took a couple of weeks for me to say that I might do it again and a couple months to decide that it wasn't if but when.

It's kinda like pregnancy and childbirth.
Both take a lot of work to get to the end and there are times you really question why on earth you are doing it. Did I mention it hurts?

the big difference is that there's no little, red, wrinkled, sweet smelling, crying, bundle 'o' joy to bring home. We normal runners get only the satisfaction of finishing. And of course the oh-so pretty medal. Oh, but there is no accompanying sleep deprivation. See - there are perks.

If the second marathon is anything like the first, it will take me a good 2 months to recover. really is sounding more and more like childbirth. Remind me why I want to do this again? I think the pictures from last year's Leesburg 20K at the beginning of this post say it all.

I love running. Especially when the race is over. It's one of those things that hurts so good. Runners get it. It's like this:

Now I'm trying to figure out which race to run. I'm leaning toward the Charlottesville Marathon in April. But that means my long runs will be in the middle of winter. I would seriously be running a 20 miler in February. Brrr...

Lester is trying to convince me to to the P.F. Chang's Rock'n'Roll Marathon in January. This really should be a no-brainer. Being that it's in Phoenix, it would be a two-fer: marathon and family visit in a single shot. But that also means plane tickets that have been really, really expensive lately - x4 and it's time for a heart attack.

So, we'll see. What I know is that
there is a marathon in the near future. What I'm unsure of is which one. In the mean time...wish me happy running!


  1. I love that commercial. I hear you. It's definitely a love hate. There is something cool about being up early before the world starts moving too. I trained for my 1/2 marathon during last years snow storm. That was crazy--lots of treadmill work and a few runs in the snow. I still haven't gotten the itch for the marathon. But I am doing long runs on Saturdays with my friend who is training. So who knows maybe I'll join her last minute. Good luck!

  2. Choose the one in Phx. We want to see you.
    Laura Kidd

  3. No, choose the one in Virginia. The more I think about it and feed off of your enthusiasm/masochism, the more I want to do it too. The half marathon last year was one of the best things I've ever done.

    Looks like I'm able to make comments at work now!
