Yesterday a package was waiting inside the screen door when we got home from the farm. I knew what it was before even opening it. I've been anxiously awaiting it's arrival.
Alas, I didn't even have the privilege of ripping the box to shreds in a zealous effort to handle the much awaited goods. I was talking to our neighbor when Sweet Cheeks came out of the house holding up a new, crisp copy of Mockingjay announcing "Look momma - this is what was in the package".
Mockingjay is the third and final book in the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Rest assured, I exaggerate my obsession for the series. But I have really been looking forward to reading this book.
So, yesterday I neglected my household to read - nay, devour - the book. Nick Jr. was the designated babysitter, the house was covered in spilled goldfish, and dinner nearly burned.
That's how I get when I'm reading a good book. The rest of the world ceases to exist, which is a huge source of frustration for Otterpop. Understandably. And why I wanted to finish the book so quickly. Well, one of the reasons.
Now it's finished and I'm really needing to talk to someone about it. I guess that's the drawback of being a quick reader when a new book comes out.
I'm not sure how I feel about the book. I did really like it, but I was left feeling the end was rushed. I do think the way Collins leaves the story of Katniss and Panem is fitting. I only wish she would have taken more time to develop that part of the story.
Regardless, it's a great series that I recommend.
It's back. I've got the moderately insane urge to spend 5 months of Saturdays running progressively longer distances culminating in 26.2 miles of torture and the accompanying euphoria.
You heard me. I want to run another marathon. When I finished the Marine Corps Marathon last Fall I immediately said I would never do it again. Marathons hurt. Bad. I think the fact that I ran it on a stress fracture had something to do with it. The funny thing is that it only took a couple of weeks for me to say that I might do it again and a couple months to decide that it wasn't if but when.
It's kinda like pregnancy and childbirth. Both take a lot of work to get to the end and there are times you really question why on earth you are doing it. Did I mention it hurts?
Obviously the big difference is that there's no little, red, wrinkled, sweet smelling, crying, bundle 'o' joy to bring home. We normal runners get only the satisfaction of finishing. And of course the oh-so pretty medal. Oh, but there is no accompanying sleep deprivation. See - there are perks.
If the second marathon is anything like the first, it will take me a good 2 months to recover. really is sounding more and more like childbirth. Remind me why I want to do this again? I think the pictures from last year's Leesburg 20K at the beginning of this post say it all.
I love running. Especially when the race is over. It's one of those things that hurts so good. Runners get it. It's like this:
Now I'm trying to figure out which race to run. I'm leaning toward the Charlottesville Marathon in April. But that means my long runs will be in the middle of winter. I would seriously be running a 20 miler in February. Brrr...
Lester is trying to convince me to to the P.F. Chang's Rock'n'Roll Marathon in January. This really should be a no-brainer. Being that it's in Phoenix, it would be a two-fer: marathon and family visit in a single shot. But that also means plane tickets that have been really, really expensive lately - x4 and it's time for a heart attack.
So, we'll see. What I know is that there is a marathon in the near future. What I'm unsure of is which one. In the mean time...wish me happy running!
Yes, it's true. We bought a cow. Well, technically a quarter of a cow. And it's sliced up. In our freezer.
Some friends of ours told us a while back about this ranch in West VA that raises cattle free of antibiotics, hormones, and all the junk that's super good for you. And it's grass fed.
Basically the cow is better for your body than the chicken pumped full of hormones that you get from your local grocer. Wanna know why, read this book and you'll see. The short version is you are what you eat eats.
When a group of friends decided to go in on a cow together, we decided we were in too. Let me just tell you how weird it's been saying "I'm so excited to get our cow!". This is me who in high school was kind-of-vegetarian. Who now rarely eats beef and would be pretty happy eating no meat for weeks at a time. Alas, I can count on Otterpop asking "where's the meat" every time I cook without it.
So now we have 93lbs of beef in our basement freezer. What on earth am I going to do with that? Well, Sunday I'll slow roast Carne Asada. Then we'll have a barbecue with friends and grill up some porter house steaks and hamburgers. And then we'll do beef kabobs. And beef with broccoli. And beef fajitas. You get the idea. We'll be eating A LOT of cow. For a very long while.
But really, I am excited to have healthfully and humanely raised animals on my family's table. After all, we are what we eat eats.
By the way. Otterpop apparently had the steak of all steaks in Lubbock, a.k.a. The Land of Cows. He actually said he didn't know if he would ever be able to eat a regular steak again. I gently reminded him of the 93lbs of beef in our freezer that would prove otherwise. Can you guess what dinner will be welcoming him home Friday?
P.S. I don't often hear songs on the radio that I love. There are a few I like well enough, but I hardly ever HAVE to know the name of a song and artist. The other day I heard "Animal" by Neon Trees and I was hooked. Come to find out, I had written the group's name on the running list I keep of music I hear and want to hear again. So I bought the album on iTunes. And I love it all!! Plus it's pretty cool when a band of boys has a girl drummer rockin' it.
Things have really slowed down this week. We've been spending a lot of time at home and I'm actually kinda ready for summer to be over. Weird, right? I guess it's the lull between Madre's visit and the upcoming beach trip that's making me restless.
Otterpop is on travel to the exotic Lubbock, TX. I think being a single mom for the week will probably be easier than working long hours and hanging around a city with nothing to do.
At least I have activities planned to keep us busy. It should be a good week with lots of excitement. Like riding the carousel at the mall, story time at the library and swimming. A friend told me about a new consignment-style boutique that has some really cute dresses. Maybe I'll just have to make a stop there.
I have been taking gobs of pictures as of late. Here's a sample.
I'd like to introduce you all to a new friend of mine. Ladies and Gentlemen of the blogosphere, this is Doris.

Apparently I've had an alter ego my entire life who is just now emerging. It actually explains a lot.
I've long thought I was born in the wrong era. In my younger years I was told on more than one occasion that I was an old soul. And then there were my obsessions with trends from different periods. The fashion of the 20's and 30's, swing music, The Beatles and all things 60's. Audrey Hepburn. The list goes on. But this weekend Doris emerged.
I don't think it's a coincidence that Doris looks like a 1950's housewife. After all, lately I've been doing a lot of 1950's housewife-ish things. (Sans the cocktail and smile ready for the hubby as soon as he walks in the door. Cocktail, never - we're not the drinking kind. Smile...sometimes.)
There is the red lipstick, and flowing skirt (which you can't see in this pic). And then there are all the antique accessories I've found lately. While antiquing. Really, it's like I'm trying to transport myself back to the days of yore. Somethings wouldn't be so bad. But, personally, I like a few of the little advances made in the past 60 years. Like the Wonder Bra, and equal opportunity and stuff. But I digress...
Where was I? oh yeah...The 1950's housewifery that's been going on in my abode. So, I've been baking. A LOT. Sunday I baked an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G blueberry peach pie. However, unlike the pies of yesteryear, it was gluten AND sugar free. It really was heavenly. Madre, Sweet Cheeks and I ate 1/3 of it in a single setting.
You wanna know how I made it? You totally do. Need I even ask?
Blueberry-Peach Pie
3 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
3 cups fresh or frozen peaches, diced
1/3 cup agave nectar
5 tbsp corn starch
2 tablespoons butter
Mix the fruit, agave and cornstarch in a bowl. Save the butter for later. That's it.
I use the Bette Hagman Vinegar Pastry recipe as my base. But I don't like shortening, so I use butter. And I'm too lazy to mix all the flours so I use an GF all purpose flour.
Here's my modified version(Makes enough pastry for a 2-crust 9" pie or 2 pastry shells)
2 1/4 cups GF Flour Mix
1 rounded teaspoon xantham gum
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup butter at room temperature
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 egg
3 tablespoons ice water (or as needed if too dry/wet)
Blend the dry ingredients and then cut in the butter. In a separate container mix the egg, vinegar, and water. Slowly pour the liquid into the dry and mix with a fork until it forms dough.
Divide evenly in two. Roll between two pieces of wax paper (makes for easy transfer to pie pan and gets rid of the sticky mess caused by the xantham gum).
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Place the first pie shell in pan and fill with the pre-mixed filling. Cut the butter in cubes and sprinkle over the fruit filling. Cover with the second crust and pinch edges to form a seal. Cut a ventilation hole in the center of the pie.
Bake at 350 for about 60 minutes.
That's my pie. It's amazing what a few ingredients an an oven will do for you. I do think it was even better because we picked the peaches 3 days earlier.
Next whole grain gluten free bread that doesn't taste like cement! It's seriously a revelation.